Sunday, September 03, 2006

Unmatched Socks

So I started my Fleece Artist Socks today.
I don't have a ball winder or a swift, so I wind my yarn into a ball, with the skein wrapped around my knees. As I was winding away, I noticed that there were less and less sections of bright colours..... and more of the black...
So my first sock starts out quite dark (which I am loving):

But I'm guessing that my second sock will be really bright? Being a sock knitting novice, I'm not sure what to do. Is it ok? Do I just keep going? Or is there a sock knitter's secret on how to deal with this?
Please help.

On another note. The lightbulb in my kitchen went out, and I'm too short to reach it (even on a chair). That really sucks.
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*ps- it appears that the Blogger spell check doesn't like the word "lightbulb". it suggested I replace it with the word "lustfully". interesting.