Wednesday, March 16, 2005


My renewed obsession with knitting seems to be getting in the way if the rest of my life!

let me explain: First of all- I never do anything half assed. So in November I decided to pick up my knitting needles again. Now it's March, and I've finished two baby sweaters, numerous scarves and other small projects, have a sweater on the go as well as some other gifts, my stash has grown, I obsessively read blogs and news groups and search for new patterns, and I have my own blog. I couldn't just knit a scarf, could I?

The other part of this is my work week. I work what is called a compressed work week. I work 10 hour days, for four days. My travel time is approximately an hour each way. So that means that on work days, that's pretty much all I do. I certainly don't count on getting anything done on those days.

So I have three days off. I should be getting things done on those days, but instead I knit, or I post on my blog, or I surf the net, or I read other blogs, or I go to the yarn store, or plan future projects.......

So, this is my "
St. Patrick's Day" Resolution:
On my days off (except Sunday, because that's my "I can sit on the couch all day and watch t.v. if I want" day), I will NOT knit, web/blog surf, catch up on news groups or post to my blog, until I have done at least THREE of the following things:

1. do some cleaning
2. do something fitness or exercise related
3. catch up on homework
4. work on family reunion stuff
5. go outdoors for some reason
6. do something social
7. cook/prepare some meals for the week
8. do some laundry
9. get groceries

There- hopefully that should help keep some order in my life!