that Yvette wanted me to post, she only wanted to tag me with a meme......
THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the ‘6 weird things about you.’ People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says ‘you are tagged’ in their comments and tell them to read your blog.”
1. I love Brussels sprouts. I will eat them every day if I have them.
2. I poop a lot. Like A LOT. The doctor says I have a high motility rate. I can eat an orange and see pulp within an hour. And I have no qualms talking about it. I love the poo talk. Wanna talk poo? I'm in. Call me.
3. I have an irrational dislike for spiders. I know that's not unusual, but this part is...... I have to flush them down the toilet after I kill them. If you don't, there is a chance they will mutate and crawl out of the garbage can and kill you while you're sleeping. Seriously, I feel sick just thinking about it.
4. I'm left handed, but I do almost everything except write with my right hand. My dad took me to the driving range once (only once, he said "with practice I might be O.K.", just O.K.!). He is right handed but golf's left handed, so he assumed that me being left handed would mean I would golf left handed. It took us awhile to figure out why I looked extra retarded trying to hit the little ball. I'm not sure why that is. Am I really ambidextrous? Or did growing up in a right handed world make me adapt? Who knows.
5. Talking animals always make me laugh. Those beavers on the Bell commercials... crack me up! Kids movies- same!
6. I sleep with the radio on. I don't know why anymore, just habit I guess. Sometimes I'll hear the news while I'm half sleeping, and when I wake up I'll think I dreamed it. Like I'm psychic or something. Luckily I don't often share these dreams with other people. That would make me really weird.
So, who shall I tag? I haven't seen any of my SnB pals do this yet, but who knows if they'll go along with it........
Katherine and
Corrie.... you've been tagged!