Bad pun, but I couldn't think of anything better.....
Today was felting the diaper bag day. It took four runs through the washing machine. It was certainly an interesting process.
Here is the bag this morning before I left:

Pretty huge. I put four pockets inside it too, making it even bulkier. (Yes, I know I look terrible, I had just gotten out of the shower, and don't have any makeup on, making my skin look incredibly pasty and blotchy)
I was worried about the pockets felting to the bag, so I cut up an old dishcloth and pinned pieces inside. They came out after the first wash, the pins were pulling through, and I was getting little pieces of discloth all over it.
This is a picture of me (still no makeup, but dry hair) working hard on my grad school letter while I felt . NOT! I'm playing Scrabble. Thanks Mom for buying me Scrabble for the computer, I love it! It will really come in handy when I live in my trailer and don't feel like knitting!

These are some baby booties I had knit up when I first got my felting book last year, but I hadn't felted them yet. They only went through 3 times. I love them! They were knit with Paton's Classic Merino, which I really like for felting. They may become the staple baby gift for me to make... but I think they may need to be a bit smaller. I picked up some black ribbon to replace the waste cotton (which is holding the YO holes open during felting).

And here is the diaper bag drying on two boxes. It didn't turn out quite as I had hoped, but still pretty cool. It shrunk quite a bit height wise, but not as much width wise, so it's short and long (kinda like a knitting bag!), and the pockets didn't felt nearly as evenly as the rest of the bag. They might have worked better if I had felted them separately and then sewed the pocket in afterwards. Who knows, and it doesn't really matter now, does it!

After felting, I immediately went shopping for the notions for it. It seems that the intersection of Victoria Park and Eglington is a little bit of a crafter's mecca. Zellers, Walmart, Fabricland, BouClair and Lewiscraft, all within a kilometer or so of each other. I got some wooden toggle buttons for closures, and a couple of options to hold the straps together, but I'll worry about that when it's dry.
I also found the second Sally Melville Book for half price, score! I'm not sure if there are any patterns I particularly like, but it has some great basic instructions and ideas in it, I'm sure I'll refer to it quite a bit.
Today is election day in Canada. I am really quite afraid of what the outcome will be tonight. Stephen Harper and the Conservatives are so right wing, it makes me feel sick to my stomach thinking about them in power, which seems to be what the polls are saying. How can anyone vote for a party that supports the war and violence in the middle east, and doesn't think that al humans should have equal rights? Yes, I am aware of the sponsorship scandal the Liberal Party was involved in, but really, don't you think everyone does it, and they just got caught?